Thursday 14 January 2010

Nice flash websites

I have picked up few nicely designed flash websites.
I like these because they are quiet simple to use and navigate.
Also the motion for buttons and flash icons are designed very accurate - shadows etc.
*But if I getting more into it I can find some defects in this website, which I would do different way. For example if I chose option "support" it opens another two options which is quiet hard to see them appearing because they are just the same colour as the other Main menu options.
But it is all nicely designed I guess it is all made in Adobe Flash. Button are definitely made in AdobeFlash as a short animations. You can see it when you move over the cursor. As this website is relevant to music and Ipod speakers buttons are designed as little equalizers which looks pretty good. I guess it took a good while to make it work this way.

This web site looks very smart and clean. I like this style. Only red circles been used and animated in Adobe Flash.

Also this site is very simple. I like these shadows.
But when you enter it you can see that there is lot of work done. All the buttons works different. All characters moving or running around when you drag the cursor over it. I'm surprised how web designers can put all these little animations together.
I guess it has been done also in Adobe Flash.

I posted this red colored website because this is the one I don't like. In my opinion is too bright. If I watch this website on high resolution and full screen my eyes go sore.
But it's still listed as a one of the best flash sites.

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